Montag bis Freitag 8 – 12 und 13 – 17 Uhr


Our ultimate goal is to keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible. We can take care of smaller defects using high-quality plastic fillings. With larger defects, however, the filling therapy reaches its limits. In such cases we offer reconstruction of teeth with high quality and aesthetic ceramics.



Ceramic Crown

A ceramic crown is a prosthetic replacement of the natural tooth crown. If necessary, the destroyed tooth is root canal treated and reinforced, then built up with plastic and grinded. An impression of the ground tooth stump is taken and then covered with a perfectly fitting ceramic crown. The crown is permanently cemented and remains permanently in the patient’s mouth.

In our dental practice in Solothurn we only use full ceramic crowns. Depending on the degree of stress, the crown can be reinforced with zirconia – the hardest possible ceramic. In special situations, somewhat more elastic high polymer plastics may also be used.



Ceramic crowns may also be indicated for aesthetic reasons – for example, if the teeth are severely discoloured or unfavourably shaped. If the front teeth are to be embellished with ceramic, it is often sufficient to cover only the front surface of the tooth with ceramic. These ceramics are called veneers. Veneers are used to achieve particularly beautiful and natural looking results.



A bridge is a ceramic gap treatment. Load-bearing teeth are ground and shaped as bridge abutments. The dental technician then produces ceramic teeth, which can be fitted to the abutment teeth with absolute precision and are then permanently fixed using cement. The new ceramic teeth now replace the gaps and perfectly match the gums. A bridge may have three or more sections. It is a rigid ceramic unit which is permanently cemented and thus remains permanently in the patient’s mouth like the crown. We do not use metal for bridges either, but only full ceramics reinforced with zirconia.

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